Loan Originator Classroom

Pre-licensing 20 Hr. Comprehensive PE

Capstone is the only school offering a  successful 3 day, in classroom prelicencing class in MS,AL,TN,GA,NC,SC,FL

Once a month
Every Month

Register now for our:

March 14-15-16th

This course is also  approved by the GA Real Estate Com. for 20 hours of CE credit

Register now for our March 14-15-16th class

Course Training Materials Include

Register early and guarranty your seating

Our March 14-15-16th class is now open for registration


Our classes are limited to 20 students, so register early and secure your training seat.

Atlanta Housing Authority, selects Capstone Institute to train its staff on the NMLS 20 Hr Comprehensive PE / Safe Act Course

COURSE DETAILS / March 14-15-16th

Friday's Training Schedule
Saturday's Training Schedule
Sunday's Training Schedule
How well do our foreign students do on their NMLS national test?

We have successfully trained 100’s of students who’s primary language was not English.   If you have a basic grasp of conversational English we can assist you passing your NMLS testing.

What Happens After A Student Registers For Class?

After registering for class the student will receive a welcome letter. It will contain pertinent information covering directions, how to get your NMLS ID #, what to bring to class. Everyone receives their printed manual and other materials on the first day of class.

DO Not Pay Any Additional NMLS Fees Yet

We strongly advise you wait until you have passed your NMLS national test and have been offered a loan originator position with a licensed Broker or Lender.

Information on your NMLS Testing

Read The 16 tips for passing the NMLS exam

See The NMLS Test Topics You’re Required To Know Prior To Testing  The NMLS national test of 100 questions is combined with the UST ( Unified State Test) of 25 questions. The required passing score for both parts is 75%. The testing is administered by Prometrics with testing locations throughout the US.  

See The NMLS Test Topics You're Required To Know Prior To Testing

The NMLS national test of 100 questions is combined with the UST ( Unified State Test) of 25 questions. The required passing score for both parts is 75%. The testing is administered by Prometrics with testing locations throughout the US. 

Getting Your Free NMLS Personal ID #

NMLS requires as a precondition of being licensed as a loan originator, that all individuals have their personal NMLS personal ID #. This is very important because, without your ID # , we will not be able to give you credit for completing your training. Reading your NMLS Loan Originator handbook is also highly advisable. 

Coming in from out of town?

Use Sandy Springs as your Hotwire destination


Live-in-classroom training is always superior to online.

Listen To Kathy Lewis as she shares and review 
practice national test questions and their answers

Select Capstone and receive the best materials and greatest Instructors

Matt attended Capstone’s Friday class but because of a snow storm the next day, Capstone was forced to move that class to the following weekend. But Matt already had his national test schedule and couldn’t wait for the next rescheduled class. So Matt reviewed his Capstone and took his test 3 days later and  scored a 95%,

Typically Capstone’s students taking the NMLS national test for the first time are expierencing a pass ingrate of 78% to 82%.

The NMLS Pre-License Education training offered at Capstone is beneficial for many reasons! Learning in a classroom environment is vastly superior to learning online. 

Very few companies offer live classroom training because of the expense of maintaining the training facilities and they need to go after a larger group of people.   The difficulty with online training is that it’s not as effective as a classroom.

Are you a licensed GA Realtor and need 20 hours of CE?

The GREC  has approved Capstone and this training for 20 hours of continuing education credit. There’s a $50.00 fee to transfer your CE hours into the GREC database. To receive your GREC 20 her credit you’ll need to turn in a duplicate of homework assignments. Visit the GA Real Estate & Insurance Commission and check your CE standings. This training is approved by the GREC and can be used to credit bank 20 of CE to your account  There’s a $50.00 fee to transfer 20 hours to your GREC  account.


What is an NMLS Pre-Licensing Course?

The NMLS Pre-Licensing Course is a mandatory training class that is  required to be taken.  If you’re planning on working for a mortgage broker or mortgage lender you are considered licensed because your State issues you your license and not a federal authority.

If you are going to work for a bank, savings and loan or credit union you are considered a  registered person and not required to take the NMLS PE courses. course.

The NMLS PE pre licensing course is designed to prepare you to pass the NMLS national course.

Yes, Capstone Institute is one of only 16 schools nationally  that offers the NMLS pre-licensing in a live school room environment. Capstone Institute offers this only once per month in Atlanta GA and the class is limited to 20 students.

A classroom-led NMLS Pre-Licensing Course is a traditional learning experience where you and your instructor are in the classroom together. Live classroom training promotes a better learning experience because if you have a question, you just raise your hand. No waiting for your online instructor to choose or not to choose to answer.

Yes, after successfully completing the NMLS Pre-Licensing certification class, you will receive a certificate that is required for NMLS licensing.

The course is a mandatory 20 hours and Capstone Institute covers this over 3 days.  Capstone classes are traditionally held Friday-Saturday-Sunday.

No specific prerequisites are required, but if participants have had a felony conviction they may be denied licensing.

Individuals having a felony conviction of any type should contact their State Depart of Banking & Finance for clarification.

The course covers federal mortgage laws, loan origination, ethics, fraud and all required  topics as specified and approved by the NMLS.
Capstone’s training materials include your printed 525 page reference manual plus Capstone’s daily  highlighted power point notes.

Capstone’s prelicensing course is only offered as a live class in Atlanta GA. and is limited 20 to students.

You can register directly on the Capstone Institute website or click here to go to their information and registration page.

Live, in classroom courses provide a higher level of interaction between instructors and their students. Statistically higher levels of interaction promotes better passing grades on the NMLS national  test.