Loan Originator Training Courses

Complimentary 1.5 Hours Initial & Refresher Training

Online – self-paced training covering the use of Calyx’s ” EZ-1003”  Online -Self Paced 

View the 5 minute demontration and judge for yourself.

A great way to introduce new staff  and refresh returning professionals.

How To View The Demonstration

To start the video click on the screen.

To view full screen; move your mouse over  the botton of the screen and look for Enter Full Screen“.

To exit full screen, hit your ESC on your key board  or click the Exit Full Screen icon at the bottom.




How to register for the complementary training

Click on the Add To Cart and by-pass the purchasers information. Fill in the purhaser information. You will not be asked for any credit card information. Then fill in the student infomation

To make your registration and access easier, use your email address as your user name.
You dont have to have a 12 digit password. Its a software thing.

$0.00Add to cart

About Your Instructor


Stephen Breden

Stephen  is the founder and part owner of Terra Firma Group, a mortgage and real estate company located in Sacramento, CA

With all most 3 decades of industry experience; Stephen gained an industry reputation as the man to call when it comes to selecting and training of mortgage software. His expertise covers both mortgages and real estate.

Stephen specializes in Calyx Point, with a particular focus on non-profits such as the Habitat for Humanity, Neighbor Works and other lenders nationwide.


Register your new originators and processors quickly for this opportunity.

As a training officer or branch manager, you should share this training with your staffs prior to
starting them on your formal EZ-1003 training.

This training will assist them in not being overwhelmed  with all the great features of the EZ-1003


That’s what’s nice about working with Stephen

Normally when we call our MOS ( Mortgage Origination Software ) support team we end up talking to a computer whiz who knows how his software works but doesn’t have a clue about taking a loan application or processing a loan.

That’s what’s nice about Stephen

The greatest thing about Stephen is the fact he’s had over 29 years besides being an accomplish Calyx training instructor for over 25 years, he’s also a veteran loan originator and Real Estate Broker with 29 years of experience.

He specializes in Calyx Point, with a particular focus on non-profits such as the Habitat for Humanity and NeighborWorks. 

He is also the founder and part owner of Terra Firma Group, a mortgage and real estate company located in Sacramento, CA.  Licensed as a Real Estate Broker in California, he is also a licensed mortgage originator with over 29 years’ experience.

Stephen also has many years’ experience in Microsoft Windows based networking and software consulting.   He may be contacted at