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Capstone Institute routinely reviews and incorporates all changes made by the Dept. of HUD into their training materials. This manual has was updated in Novemeber 2023 is currently accurate.
Beware of companies offering basic or beginner FHA training or advanced FHA. You either know the FHA rules, guidelines, policies and procedures or you don’t. Capstone Institute never offers courses that only get you halfway there. We don’t divide FHA loans into separate courses to charge higher tuition’s.
Your FHA training program covers both origination and processing. Originators can’t process their own loans but they do need to have an understanding of FHA guidelines, rules, formulas and other documentation required so the loan closes on time. As always Processors need to know everything.
Instead of just reading a manual you’ll have the added benefit of watching and listening as Kathy guides you through your FHA manual with practical exercises and case studies to enforce your learning experience. Our students tell us Kathy’s FHA origination and processing stories are what they really like the most because they’re easy to remember and makes their learning easier.
As one of the very first mortgage education centers, Capstone and our instructors have helped set the standard for mortgage education, training and preparation for industry-related exams.